Saturday, August 4, 2007

Burp it out!!

Food is to body what music is to soul.

So, eat healthy.

Remember if you want to be a good journalist; print or broadcast, the first thing to do is take care of your body! Keep your stomach full and your ideas will roll out like a ball bearings dripped in a barrel of Castrol 2tx.

It has been proven mathematically that a hungry mind is an angry mind and anger is one word short of Danger. We don't want to be dangerous now, do we? (unless there are special circumstances;)

We want to be good Journalists!! So grab that grub and remember, Burp!

Don't care what people 'Eww' and 'Aww' and 'Yuk' at you, Just Do It!

[ This post brought to you by the guilty parties behind the nefarious blog A Story A Day ]


Aarish said...

your concept is proven right by lots of journalists with lots of fat on their body..
but one big exception is the sultry siren "sunetra choudhary" on NDTV..

Pallav said...

dude, then she is just a "sultry siren' not a good jorno, a good jounro puts some weight behind his/her words ;)


Aarish said...

"not a good journalist"

well.. i won't tke it seriously.. cause i guess you didnt mean it.. the winking smiley says it.. am i right?